In an effort to engage more customers where they are, we set out to test and hone Womply’s social media touch-pointss on Facebook, Instagram, and more. Utilizing photo, video, slideshows, and carousels to create easily understood and engaging stories to target specific audience and create buzz as well as capture direct leads for our sales team.
The results were amazing, with landing page form fills increasing by over 65% and follow up sales calls from these leads have a higher conversion rate at over 75% for a 30-day free trial and over 25% for conversion to a paid program.
Overall, the cost to benefit ratio of using social media placement and targeted ads helped grow our customer base.
All of the facebook ads below had Instagram versions as well as some modified for Twitter.

Mockup animation of a Facebook video

Facebook example

Facebook example

Testing of Photo against Illustrations (Illustrations out clicked photos)

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